
Changyang Linghu

Principal Investigator

Changyang Linghu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology at the University of Michigan Medical School, Member of the Michigan Neuroscience Institute, Member of the Single Cell Spatial Analysis Program in the Biosciences Initiative, and Affiliate Faculty in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He obtained a Bachelor of Engineering from Tsinghua University and received his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology working with Dr. Ed Boyden. 

He is the recipient of the NIH Director's New Innovator Award (2024), MIT Technology Review's Global 35 Innovators Under 35 (TR35) (2024), Glenn and AFAR Junior Faculty Grant (2024), Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Collaborative Pairs Pilot Project Award (2024), Whitehall Foundation Three-Year Research Grant (2024), GenScript Life Science Research Grant (2024), Bioengineering in Brain Cancer Challenge Seed Fund Award from UMich (2024), Spatial Analytics of Cancer Challenge Seed Fund Award from UMich (2023), Biological Sciences Scholar (BSSP) from UMich (2022), MIT Spot Award (for community service) (2022), MIT Technology Review 35 Innovators Under 35 China (TR35 China) (2021), Bioengineering Rising Star Speaker from Princeton University (2021), J. Douglas Tan Postdoctoral Fellow (2020), McGovern Graduate Fellow (2018), and MIT Presidential Fellow (supported by Irwin Mark Jacobs and Joan Klein Jacobs) (2013). He enjoys brewing coffee, hiking, music, and science!


William Joesten

Lab Manager and Research Specialist

Will's journey in science began when he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at a young age. He dedicated his academic pursuits to biochemistry, culminating in PhD studies at Miami University. He was able to explore the complex relationship between bacterial metabolism, bacterial interactions with the immune system in the gut, and the progression of type 1 diabetes in the NOD mouse. His time working in Dr. Michael Kennedy's lab at Miami provided myriad opportunities to engage with many techniques such as NMR spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, and Confocal Microscopy. He is thrilled to embark on a new chapter of his career exploring neuroscience and working with a diverse group of highly motivated researchers. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time building miniatures and sharing hobbies with his friends.


Jormay Lim

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

My scientific journey is punctuated with fresh starts as part of my pursuit for new challenges. After completing my Ph.D. study in the subcellular localization of Sprouty proteins at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (Singapore), I joined Prof. Kun-Ping Lu’s lab at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center to study neurodegeneration mouse models using biochemistry and immunohistochemical approaches. Subsequently, I worked with Prof. Jean Paul Thiery’s lab in Singapore to study neural crest and cranial bone development. This piqued my interest in bone formation, which led me to Prof. Shuying Yang’s group at University of Pennsylvania. There, I studied the primary cilia, IFT20 and bone cell alignment. Before joining Dr Linghu lab, I was working on the transcranial ultrasound stimulation of mouse brain cells in National Taiwan University. I am currently interested in developing and applying technologies to analyze cellular dynamics.


Dongqing Shi

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

With a deep curiosity for the neural system, my scientific journey started with electrophysiology, utilizing patch clamp to record neuronal activities. Then I soon realized that understanding neuronal networks requires a broader perspective and shifted to microscopy, particularly live cell imaging which allowed me to observe multiple neurons simultaneously. Specifically, I focused on engineering voltage sensors, aiming to decipher neuronal electrical activities directly with high accuracy. Now I wish to expand my observation to a diversity of cellular signals across space and time. Outside the lab, I enjoy swimming, reading detective fiction and playing jigsaw puzzles.


Lirong Zheng

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Lirong Zheng received his Ph.D. degree in Physics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, in 2023. Throughout his Ph.D. program, he delved into the design and engineering of proteins, as well as the biomacromolecule structure and dynamics. His primary research focuses on protein design and engineering for live-cell interfacing.

Beyond his academic pursuits, Lirong enjoys a balanced lifestyle. He appreciates the subtle nuances of various coffees and engaging games on SWITCH. Interestingly, he finds unique pleasure in interacting with nature, specifically through feeding small animals like cats and dogs. Observing these creatures partake in their meal brings him a sense of fulfillment, adding a serene joy to his personal life.


Paris Riggle

Rotation PhD Student

Paris is excited for the next chapter of her scientific journey in the Neuroscience Graduate Program. Her previous studies focused on characterizing spatiotemporal expression of genes involved in planarian tissue regeneration, before pursuing how neuron types develop in retinal organoids. Currently, she is interested in exploring novel techniques to visualize cellular activities. Beyond academics, Paris enjoys playing classical and jazz pieces on the cello, creating and viewing art, and spending time outside.


Yixiao Yan

Rotation PhD Student

I am a first-year PhD student in the Program in Biomedical Sciences (Cell & Developmental Biology) at UMich. Before UMich, I had been working on projects on synthetic biology and neural circuits, and I learned basic skills in molecular biology and neuroscience techniques for mice. Having a broad curiosity and enthusiasm for science, I am interested in interdisciplinary fields such as employing novel biotechnologies for neuroscience research. I enjoy communicating and collaborating with people from different backgrounds. And I love using emoji…😝


Mehul Gautam

Undergraduate Researcher

My name is Mehul Gautam and I am an undergraduate neuroscience student at the University of Michigan. In my previous research projects, I worked to develop a vaccine database and learned how to use bioinformatic tools to simplify vaccine design efforts. Through these experiences, I have developed a fascination for the intersections between medical science and biotechnology. By working with the Linghu Lab, I hope to discover how technology can improve neurological research efforts. In my free time, I enjoy playing my bass clarinet and alto saxophone. I also love Chicago sports, running, and drinking coffee :)


Emily Klyder

Undergraduate Researcher

Emily Klyder is a junior pursuing a bachelor's degree in Biomolecular Science. She has a keen interest in understanding both the small components and large systems that transport information within the brain. She enjoys learning languages on Duolingo, strumming an acoustic guitar, and volunteering her time at various non-profit organizations.


Vanessa Rodgers

Undergraduate Researcher (UROP)

My name is Vanessa Rodgers and I am an undergraduate at the University of Michigan, pursuing a major in Neuroscience. In my previous research, I conducted a study on the correlation between bacterial growth and soil pH. The inspiration for this research was based on my concern about how pollutants affect the environment, which will affect humans. My main interests involving the brain are how neurotoxins affect the brain as well as the study of neurodegenerative diseases. In the Linghu lab, I hope to explore the different aspects of studying the brain, as well as the complexities of the inner workings of the brain. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, making coffee, and listening to music.


Madison Williams

Undergraduate Researcher (UROP)

My name is Madison Williams and I am an undergraduate Neuroscience major at the University of Michigan. In a previous research project, I worked to understand the acute effects of cannabis on the brain, specifically in participants who have psychosis. In the Linghu Lab, I wanted to understand on a more intricate level how the brain works, and also a desire was sparked in me to create and understand neurotechnologies that can help further the medical field! When I have time, I enjoy cooking, playing piano, and reading.


Derek Zhang

Undergraduate Researcher (UROP)

I am an undergraduate student at the University of Michigan pursuing a double major in Mathematics and Neuroscience. Ever since young, I have been intrigued by the idea of dreams, and I wish to conduct interdisciplinary brain research on the mechanisms of dreams. Through working in the Linghu Lab, I hope to further understand the intricacies of neurotechnology, and potentially conduct my own research about human brain enhancement in the future. In my free time, I like to play piano, tennis, and engage in philosophical discussions with my friends.
